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Towering High with Impressive Loading

Impressive, high-capacity lifting will be highlighted at the upcoming ISE exhibition with the display of the TAF Tower 2 in the TAF booth 6J550! Heavy-duty TT44 truss is used in its construction, which features a quicklock (conical) connection system for fast and easy assembly. It can reach heights up to 12 m and handles high loading capacities up to 2000 kg!


Learn more about it here: https://taf-uk.com/towers/tower-2


Claim your free ticket here: https://registration.firabarcelona.com/?cod_prom=QGLUDE3D#/en_GB/E234025/WEB


Contact us on 01922 495 396 or sales@taf-uk.com to ask for more information, request a price quote, or set a meeting during ISE.


8 Fryers Road, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 7LZ (WS2 7NA) United Kingdom